T-Ball & Sluggers
Our premier beginner programs, both T-Ball and Sluggers are a perfect introduction to baseball and softball. Players are paired with a buddy and are often times placed on teams with their classmates and school friends. Join in the fun!
T-Ball is for 4-5 year old players. Our youngest players are 4 year olds in Pre-K, but need to be ready for the competition and structure of T-ball. 3 year olds are not eligible for Little League. All players bat (hit a ball from a T) and play in the field each inning (3 innings per game). There is one weeknight practice in a "micro clinic" format on Wednesdays. All games are played on Saturdays.
First practice of the 2024 season is on March 27th. The first game is on April 27th.
The Sluggers Division is an entry-level machine pitch/coach pitch division for 6 year olds. This is where most, if not all, Kindergarteners play. Sluggers will have one weeknight practice each Tuesday in a "micro clinic" format and one Saturday game.
First practice of the 2024 season is on March 26th. First game is on April 27th.
FAQs for T-Ball & Sluggers
How do I register for the 2024 season?
Detailed instructions can be found in our recent News story.
Where are the games played?
Games are played at multiple on-Island locations, mainly Homestead Park. Occasionally you will find a game scheduled at the LID Park or South Mercer Playfields. Learn more about our Field Locations.
What times are the games played?
Due to the number of teams at each level (Up to 20 for T-Ball, up to 12 for Sluggers), game times vary. Start times range from 9am to 3 pm on Saturdays. T-Ball games run for an hour, Sluggers for 1.25 hours.
When are practices? Can I request a specific time?
Practices for Sluggers are Tuesdays at 4:30 pm or 5:40 pm. Practices for T-Ball are Wednesdays at 4:30 pm or 5:40 pm. Requests for a specific practice time can be accommodated, but must be in before roster creation has begun. We will make every effort to accept your practice time requests, but there are no guarantees. Requests can be sent to jdenenholz@positiveplace.org
Is it Coed?
Yes. Everyone is encouraged to sign up!
How are teams formed?
Teams are formed using the following criteria. (1) Distributing Coaches. (2) Honoring Mutual Buddy Request. (3) School. Please note that it becomes harder to place your child on the team they desire as the season approaches. Register early!
Can I form my own team?
Yes! However, for the purpose of ordering jerseys, the head coach needs to submit his/her roster to us by December 15. Additionally, each member of that team must be registered and paid by December 15th. Rosters must be between 8 and 10 players. This option is available for T-Ball only.
How many kids are on a team?
For Sluggers, we will cap the team at 10 players. For T-ball, we will generally cap the team at nine players. If you are forming your own T-Ball team, we can accommodate a roster up to 10 players (See “Can I form my own team?”).
My son/daughter goes to overnight camp on a weekend their team has a game. What do I do?
We recognize that many players participate in overnight camps at some point in the Spring. However, we try not to adjust the game schedule because we recognize that many kids do not go on these trips. If we discover that an entire team will be gone (or multiple teams will be gone) we will make adjustments. We encourage our coaches to tell us (the earlier the better) if they feel they will struggle to field a team on a specific date.
What equipment does my child need?
Your child only needs athletic shoes and a baseball glove. We will provide the jersey and cap. The rest of the equipment (balls, bats, helmets, etc) will be at the field during the micro-clinic practices. Many parents do elect to purchase a helmet for their child so that they don’t have to share.
What is a micro-clinic?
It's the one practice a week for T-Ball and Sluggers. Many teams will practice on the same field at the same time. The teams will rotate between stations where they will learn and develop different skills. A "Super Coach" will lead the practices and the head coach of each team will lead their team through the drills.