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Mercer Island Little League is proud to announce the launch of RapidBaseball. Our Little League will implement this new and exciting program into Single-A, Double-A, and Triple-A to improve the development of our young ball players. 


Read the FAQs below or visit for additional info.

RapidBaseball FAQs:


What is RapidBaseball?

A development tool for youth baseball players entering the initial years of kid pitch.  It is a reimagined baseball game format that invokes fun, a faster pace of play, and greater opportunities for development through increased repetition.


Why RapidBaseball?

Currently traditional 7U-9U(kid pitch) games can be painfully slow and can lack development opportunities. The game is heavily focused around a pitcher attempting to throw strikes while hurling ball after ball to the backstop. These games typically have a combined 20+ walks, 3-5 total hits and kids standing around the field lacking opportunities to develop as baseball players.


In a complete 8U baseball game it’s not uncommon for a kid to walk 3 times and not have one opportunity to make a defensive play. This is detrimental to the player's overall development and represents a missed opportunity for growth. 


How does RapidBaseball Help?

RapidBaseball leverages the use of a pitching machine for the purposes of speed and consistency. More balls are put into play leading to more defensive opportunities, more confidence and more fun. 


How does RapidBaseball Work?

A 10 minute timer is set at the first pitch of each half inning. Each team bats for 10 minutes straight. Each batter receives a maximum of 3 pitches.  A complete inning is ~20 minutes in length. On average, 22-25 players will bat per HALF inning!


Once 3 outs are achieved, the bases are cleared, and the offensive team continues to bat. This eliminates the time wasted with players coming on and off the field plus warming up a pitcher.


How to Pitchers Develop if a Pitching Machine is Used?

Pitching development is made a priority with RapidBaseball.  All players throughout the game will work towards a 25 pitch RapidBaseball “bullpen” with one of the coaches. This will occur for players as they take a defensive inning off.  


What divisions within the Mercer Island Little League will use RapidBaseball?

All games in the A and AA divisions will use RapidBaseball.  Pre-season games in the AAA division will also use RapidBaseball.  After April 15, games in the AAA division will move to traditional player pitch.


Will Coaches be Trained in RapidBaseball?

Yes!  Coaches will receive training on the use of RapidBaseball directly from experts.


Are other Leagues in our District Using RapidBaseball?

Some are and some aren't.  Currently, Kirkland National & Kirkland American are using it in similar divisions and other D9 leagues are considering it.


Where can I Learn More?



Rapid Baseball Coaches Portal

Access for all MILL coaches trained in Rapid Baseball

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