2025 Season Registration
Registration for the 2025 season is now open!
Register your ball palyer on the Boys and Girls Club portal.
Early bird discount is available from November 15th-17th only.​​
Instructions - How to register:
Our registration is through the Boys and Girls Club (BGC) of Mercer Island. The registration link above will direct you to the BGC registration system.
Once directed to the BGC registration system, you will be asked to login. Login is required to register for Little League. If you do not have a BGC login, you'll need to create one.
Once you login, click the "Registration" button at the top of the page. This will take you to a searchable Program database.
Change your "Current Location", located above the search box, to "Mercer Island"
Under "Browse" --> "Categories" on the left hand side of the page, select "Athletics"
In the search field type in keyword "Little League" and you will see all of our Little League registration offerings.
Find the division or program you are looking for and click the blue "Enroll" button
PLEASE NOTE that your child's BGC annual membership needs to be current. You will not be able to register for Little League without a BGC membership. To renew your Membership, click the "Memberships" tab at the top of the page, and add the membership fee to your cart.
Any questions? please contact the BGC team at miathletics@positiveplace.org or call 206-232-4548
Not sure about which Division is appropriate for your ball player?
More information about our programs can be found in the links below.